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Where Skittles Grow

It was a beautiful cool day along Highway 395. The sky was crisscrossed with vapor trails in some sort of complex tic tac toe game. Atop Conway Summit many of the trees had gone bare due to high winds on the previous day but a small grove at the bottom was in full Autumn color. What colors of the rainbow the trees didn't cover the sky did. It was stunningly beautiful and the distant peaks made a subtle background to the vibrant colors of the Aspen Grove around the small creek. It was hard to see all the colors in the grove so I hiked up the hill till I could see the peaks and all the colors the grove had to offer. I spent quite a bit of time shooting from various positions but I always seem to come back to this one with the mountain framed by the trees. One of my favorite spots to visit on the Eastern Sierra though the car will need some new paint.
Where Skittles Grow