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A Photographers Cathedral

A Photographers Cathedral

It’s the place you recognize when your mind calms and the body becomes young and renewed. Each breath seems to soothe you to your very core. The arches tower high above and the finer branches weave a stained glass window made of multicolored leaves. The carpet below is thick, lush and soft made up of grasses, twigs and moss. The scene forces you to close your eyes only to reopen them again with even more surprise. The light all around you seems overwhelming but you have no desire not to look. It’s the perfect place just for this one moment in time. You are by yourself but somehow that doesn’t matter because you are never alone, everything around you lives and grows and for a moment or two you can forget your woes. This is a place that no one owns but belongs to us all and those yet to come. It needs our protection but is at its best when just left to persist purely on its own. It is yours, it is mine and let no government tell you otherwise. This is our home, this is our place of birth, this our beautiful wonderful Earth.

If this hasn’t moved you, choked you up or made tear appear in your eye, it’s perhaps only because no photograph can surmise the reality of being there and just being alive.