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Bay Glow

Bay Lights is the project that illuminates the entire western span of the San Francisco Bay Bridge to celebrate its 75th anniversary. Lit by 25,000 super bright white LED lights. The image is a bit deceiving as the 25,000 lights dance and produce moving patterns that reflect on the waters of the San Francisco bay. Tonight started out with stormy skies and as I had hoped the towers of the bridge illuminated the log fog that moves in following most warm storms causing the skies and water to dance with light.

As the stormy night started to break and blue skies cleared just behind the soft fog that hung over the bridge. This scene dominates the shoreline of San Francisco in stunning fashion as it changes from glittering lights a seemingly endless pattern of dancing lights and moving patterns that go from one end of the bridge to the other than back again. If you can catch this show for an hour or two you will see but a small selection of the patterns shown. Don’t worry though, you have two years to catch the show as the lights will remain lit making it well worth a trip to San Francisco.
Bay Glow